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Joyful Love

Oct 24, 2023

In this episode of "Joyful Love," I tell you exactly how to deal with a defensive partner.

We've all been there, attempting to address issues or seek improvements in our relationships, only to have our partners become defensive. This episode explores why this happens and provides practical strategies to foster a deeper...

Oct 10, 2023

Can you believe it? The Joyful Love Podcast has hit 100 episodes of inspiration, stories, and relationship wisdom!

To celebrate this journey, I've got something special in store for you.

In this episode, I'll share my most embarrassing moment as an entrepreneur yet! And then I get to what you really want to know about...

Oct 3, 2023

Resentment normally turns to anger and disconnection in a marriage. But what if we could flip the script and use this feeling FOR our connection instead? 

In today’s episode, "How To Turn Resentment Into Emotional Connection," you'll discover practical strategies for transforming feelings of resentment into emotional...